My sweet 2 1/2 year old nephew, Rett, is growing up so fast. I love this age, he's in that stage where he wants to copy everything you do, talk to you on the phone, he still loves to snuggle and I say "I you" (his way of saying I love you).
He is all boy that's for sure. He loves hunting, tractors, boats, animals, throwing a softball, lawnmowers, the color blue, Mickey Mouse and peanut butter m&m's. When he was at my parents recently, he was playing on a big pile of dirt my dad had hauled in for our barn. Rett climbed up on top of the pile of dirt and said, "I'm king of the mountain. I'm a BOY!"
What really warms my heart is how sweet he is. He always tells me "I you Ninny" before we get off the phone. He shares with others, has pretty good manners for a two year old and definitely knows to say thank you and yes ma'am.
He loves coming to stay at our house, partly because he has his own room and partly because he gets to stay up late and eat whatever he wants. I can't wait for his next visit! I think I'm going to have him help me plant some flowers in the yard...wait, that might not be "boy" enough...better
just let him mow the yard with Jason!
what to do
14 years ago